Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Deseret News Reviewed: The Wishing Garden

Quote from the review:

“The Wishing Garden” highlights Stansfield’s love of exploring her characters' emotions and underlying motivations. The book is full of deep sentiment, and romantics will be absorbed by the heartache Mary and Whit have each battled. The characters are lovable and interesting, making them easy to follow.

Click HERE to read the entire Deseret News review. 

And if you haven't already purchased your very own copy...Click HERE and add it to your summer reading!!!


Rhonda Miller said...

I can't wait to read it.

Mills Family said...

So I just finished The Wishing Garden and I have to know if this is going to be a series because I felt like I was hanging for more. Please let me know if there is going to be another book that carries on from the Wishing Garden? Love it by the way. Now I'm going to start her book she game away for free The Captain of Her Heart.



Dina Love said...

Tami...YES!!! There will be a 2nd book in the Wishing Garden series!