Look at all your GORGEOUS FACES over there following this blog!!! You all make me smile.
I realized this was a very long post and that some of you may not have time to read it all. So I posted a new tab up on the top where you can read a little of how I got here and a little about me. I moved it to a seperate page so you don't miss out on this part of my post...
I have only read Anita's new book, "Passage on the Titanic" and I haven’t read any of her other books. And that my friends, is where we are going to start this blogging journey. You are going to help me read Anita. (You'll have to read my full post to get the whole story)
So, here’s your job...Are you ready?
I have only read Anita's new book, "Passage on the Titanic" and I haven’t read any of her other books. And that my friends, is where we are going to start this blogging journey. You are going to help me read Anita. (You'll have to read my full post to get the whole story)
So, here’s your job...Are you ready?
In the comments section of THIS post, you are going to tell me which book I should read next. Then on Saturday morning, I will randomly choose one of your comments and read which ever book you suggested. Please only suggest one book each, we will do this often so don’t feel the need to list ALL your favs.

My favorite series and a great place to start is A Gable Faces East. I give that book to everyone to start their love for Anita. Once you read that you'll have to read the next book in her series Gables Against the Sky and that will of course lead you into the Byrnehouse-Davies-Hamilton saga that I could read about forever. SO I would definitely recommend you starting with A Gable Faces East. Good luck and thanks for keeping an Anita blog going. I'm a huge huge huge fan of hers.
You should definitely start with First Love Forever and fall in love with the Hamilton Family. (particularly Michael Hamilton) The Hamilton Family Saga is by far my favorite set of books I have EVER read.Starting with the First Love set and moving on into the Gables of Legacy. My testimony has grown leaps and bounds in reading the fictional journey these characters take. Makes me want to pull them all out and read them again right this minute just thinking about them
I would suggest The Sound Of Rain. I couldn't put down that book, and LOVED the entire series!
It's so hard to choose - there are so many! I have to echo that you totally need to fall in love with the Hamilton Family starting with First Love Forever. It is totally my favorite series she has done - but since that has already been mentioned - I'm going to choose a different one.
I am loving Anita's Dickens Inn Novels. I feel like I have come to know Charles Dickens more and I have grown to really love his work since I have started reading these. So pick up The Best of Times and read the whole series. It's wonderful!
I would definitely say First Love Forever as well. It was my very first Anita Stansfield book to read and still my favorite story ever, I read it over and over. LOVE IT!
To quote ever after " I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens." But if I must. I would say Gables Faces East. I am about to start my yearly traditon of rereading everyone of her books. I usually start with Gables Faces East. I am so excited for the Journey you are starting Happy Reading. Thank you for doing the Blogg
I have to say I love The Gable Faces East and Gales Against the sky. I like to start there and then read the other books in the Hamilton Family series.
I think Anita has been inspired to write books for many of the different seasons of life. As well as for the many different trials that we all face during this human existence. So there is no ONE book to read of hers. But if you have to choose, I would say start with the Hamilton series (the very beginning and lead into the Gables series.)That happens to be where I began. In fact, I think it saved me thousands of dollars on therapy bills.;) Thank you Anita!! I was going through a great loss in my life and the lessons taught in these books lead me through my grieving process and helped me find my Savior to carry me through my personal Sweetwater River. A true Blessing!
August 1995. That's when I read my very first Anita book and it was First Love and Forever. I live in SC where I do not have an LDS bookstore on every corner practically. We were visiting my sister at BYU and my mom told me I could pick one book to buy at the bookstore. I saw this one and picked it. I read it all in one night and insisted that we had to buy the other two in the series before we came home. They were the first three books in my 300+ collection of LDS novels. They're a great place to start! :)
After reading all of the posts above, I would have to say that you start with A Christmas Melody. I know Christmas is over but I love the message of there during the best time of the year. Of course the Hamilton family is a huge favorite of mine as are all of her books but this one just touched me. It's shorter but still a keeper.
My sister has been reading all of Anita's books and I read her book "Emma" and fell in love and then I really got started with her Jason Wolfe Series. I haven't put down her books since.
Absolutely love her books. I wish I could go back and start from the beginning and read them all but some of them are out of print. :(
Wow...it's hard. But I agree with the others who suggested the Byrnhouse-Davies & Hamilton series, you should start with that. And though I started with First Love and Forever as my very first Anita novel, I would start with Gable Faces East. It explains that story a lot. So, Gable Faces East.
They are all wonderful and you can't put them down!! You are starting on a wonderful journey, How ever I started with the Gable series and haunted the book store till a new one would come out!!! So I would say The Gable Faces East is the best place to start! I loaned that series out and never got them back after reading them 3 times each..so will re purchase the ones I dont have anymore. So happy to be able to buy Some of them on Kindle! Happy Reading! S. Lee
I love all her books also although I wish all of them came in CD format. I can no longer read print as I am going blind now. I wish I could listen to the Gables series as well as the first 3 in the series regarding the kids after they are grown. And any other ones starting from the first. All I get to listen to are the newer ones. I hope one day they all can be put into cd form
Wow...where to start? What a loaded question! All of her books are winners. The one that came to my mind was Timeless Waltz. Loved them all, you really can't lose with whichever you pick. Welcome to the club! Glad you started reading her books...pretty soon you will have two shelves of your bookcase dedicated to just HER books...like mine. :)
Definately has to be "The Gable Faces East".... Very great place to start!!!!!!!!!!
Definitely start at the beginning! :) First Love and Forever. And then read them all :) My parents and sisters have read Anita's books so much that our first copes are all falling apart. My Dad started buying new copies for my mom and now she is going to start writing the date when she reads them to keep track of how many times she reads these new ones :) I got to keep the older copies at my house and I'm slowly replacing them too.
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